Leopard & Lace

Bangs!!!Outfit: shirt, pendant, earrings-thrifted/dress-Urban Outfitters/tights-Ross/shoes-MIA Trainee c/o DSW/necklace-Forever 21/Bracelet-Burlington

Inspiration photo: Urban Outfitters

DO NOT BE ALARMED! I flat ironed my hair, got a much needed trim, and bangs (which I've been debating forever). Admittedly... I did almost shed a tear seeing my chin-length locks on that black cape, but I have grown to love my bangs and can't wait to style them different ways! Although the true test will be how they look when I go back to the 'fro...

The outfit is based on another one of UO's early fall looks. This one is my absolute fave and the main reason I decided to recreate the looks. See previous early fall look replicas: Mundane Monday, Tried it again Tues, and Wednesday ...

I was particularly excited about this post because I was able to incorporate some of my newly thrifted items! I've been thrifting A LOT lately!!! Although I've nabbed some great finds at even greater prices, if I don't wear these things I'm just accumulating more stuff :/. How did I do?

